Garut English Club - Berita atau kabar buruk mungkin datang dari penyesalan seseorang dari kesalahan-kesalahan yang telah mereka lakukan. Apa yang akan kamu katakan ketika kamu menyesali apa yang telah kamu lakukan dan apa yang akan kamu katakan ketika kamu mendengar seseorang menyesali apa yang telah dia lakukan? Mari perhatikan bebrapa dialog pendek di bawah ini untuk memahami tentang "expressing and responding to regrets"
Dialog 1
Ami: You look different, Anti. What is the matter?
Anti: I don't know why I didn't study hard for the exam. I failed the exam.
Ami: Don't take it so badly. Next time better.
Anti: Thanks a lot for your concern.
Dialog 2
Purnomo: I really regret rushing off the house.
Dadang: What happened?
Purnomo: I knocked an old man down.
Dadang: Was he injured?
Purnomo: Not seriously, actually.
Dadang: Don't blame your self. It could happen to anyone.
Dialog 3
Endah: I can't think why I never listened to your advice.
Sinta: Why did you say that? Is there anything wrong?
Endah: Yes. I rode my motorcycle carelessly and hit a tree. It broke down. Luckily, I didn't get seriously injured.
Sinta: I know how you must be feeling, but that could be a good lesson for you to be more careful in the future.
Dari beberapa contoh di atas kita dapat melihat ada tulisan yang digarisbawahi dan ditebalkan. Untuk lebih jelasnya, lihat tabel di bawah ini:
Expressions we can use for expressing
Expression we can use for responding to
I don’t know why I never listened to your advice.
I know how you must be feeling, but it coul be happen to anyone.
I’m really sorry I didn’t listen to your advice.
Don’t take it so badly.
I really regret having hurt your feeling.
Don’t blame yourself.
I really regret not obeying your advice
I’m really sorry to hear that
Itulah pembahasan tentang Expressing and Responding to Regrets. Semoga menambah pengetahuan kalian. Terimakasih.