Wednesday, January 25, 2017

Speaking: Giving and Responding about Interesting News or Information

Garut English Club - Pastinya kalian pernah mendapatkan suatu berita atau informasi yang menyenangkan ataupun menyedihkan, bukan? Baik berita atau informasi tersebut di dapat dari teman, keluarga, radio, majalah maupun internet. Sebagai contoh di internet ada anak kecil yang berusia 7 tahun sudah menjuarai hafidz anak tingkat dunia, keberhasilan teman-teman kalian menjadi juara pertama lomba LKBB se-Provinsi Jabar, atau pun saudara kalian mendapatkan hadiah jalan-jalan ke luar negeri. Itu adalah beberapa contoh dari "Menceritakan berita atau informasi menarik" atau dalam bahasa Inggris disebut "Giving and Responding about Interesting News or Information". Pada kali ini kita akan bahas tentang "Giving and Responding about Interesting News or Information". Untuk lebih jelasnya lihatt tabel di bawah ini:
Giving and Responding about Interesting News or Information
Look at this! You won’t believe it.
I’ve got hot news. Want to hear it?
Have you heard the news?
I’m glad to hear that.
Let me tell you this.
You are terrific!
I’ve got good news.
I can’t believe it.
I’ll tell you what!
Is that true?
Guses what
That is smart

I can feel that you are happy.
That’s great!
I’m happy with the news

Untuk lebih jelasnya tentang "Giving and Responding about Interesting News or Information". Perhatikan contoh dialogue berikut ini :

Contoh 1:

Burhan: Hi, Albert. I've been looking for you.
Albert: Hi, what's up?
Burhan: I have a good news for you. Your article on the tourism in Garut won the national competition.
Albert: Really? It's what I want to hear. Where can I find the information about it?
Burhan: I read the announcement on the newspaper.
Albert: Thanks for the information.
Burhan: No problem. Congratulations, Albert.
Albert: Thank you.

Pada dialog di atas, kalian bisa melihat bahwa Albert sangat senang dengan berita baik yang dia dapatkan. Albert merespon berita baik tersebut dengan berkata "Really? It's what I want to hear."

Contoh 2:

Aminah: Did you hear that Anwar was called to the headmaster's office again.??
Puja: Really?
Aminah: Yeah, that's true. He skipped school again.
Puja: Why doesn't he learn from his past mistake?
Aminah: I don't know. I hope he can change his bad attitude.
Puja: I hope so.

Pada contoh dialog kedua ini, kalian bisa melihat kalimat "Yeah, that's true. He skipped school again. Ini merupakan contoh dari "Give Information."

Baiklah untuk menambah pemahaman kalian tentang "Giving and Responding about Interesting News or Information" kami akan berikan latihan soal, berikut ini:

Toni: Do you like rock music, Fit?
Fitri: No, I don't like it very much. It's very noisy. Do you?
Toni: Well, yes, I do. I'm a real fan of the Avenged Seven fold. I love their music. It's nice pop rock.
Fitri: Really? Is the group still popular?
Toni: Yes. I thinks so. What kind of music do you like now?
Fitri: I love pop songs, especially English songs. They help me learn English a lot.
Toni: Who's your favorite group?
Fitri: I'm really fond of West Life although they are not popular any more.

1. What are Toni and Fitri talking about?
2. Does Toni like rock music?
3. Who loves West Life?

1. They are talking about their favorite music.
2. Yes, He does
3. Fitri

Itulah pembahasan tentang "Giving and Responding about Interesting News or Information" semoga menambah pengetahuan kalian. Terimakasih.

Garut English Club ini adalah sebagai wadah saling berbagi infomasi tentang pembahasan bahasa Inggris secara mudah disertai soal-soal. Selain untuk para siswa, web ini juga diperuntukan bagi para guru yang membutuhkan informasi aplikasi dan format dokumen administrasi sekolah.


Nice sensei... I've been looking for this article. It's helpful
